IN WHICH we attempt to anatomize a distinct, rare vibe.
On generosity in reading: A worked example
IN WHICH we consider when and why we should extend charity to authors.
Hi again
IN WHICH we resolve, again, to do a little bit more here.
The work of publishing
IN WHICH we talk about the two inextricable concepts of metadata and yak-shaving.
I’ve never had more fun being completely useless in combat
IN WHICH we set a world or at least regional record for simultaneously provoked attacks of opportunity.
One of the less unkinder cuts
IN WHICH, like an idiot, we talk about weight loss.
The Tithe
IN WHICH we ruminate on the prescience, perhaps, of an eleven-year-old story in PENNY ARCADE.
Fear of commitment: A defense
IN WHICH the author writes a check his success can’t cash.
The paradox of incrementalism; or, moderation is not a white flag
IN WHICH we try to make fetch happen.
I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on in DEATH IN HER HANDS
IN WHICH we wonder what dark ghoul lies beneath the internal monologue of a nattering Karen.