Maker: Fuck it Manager: Also fuck it Marketer: Fuck, and I can’t stress this enough, it … I’ve been playing Whac-a-Mole with some stomach virus that scuttles around from family member to family member and periodically makes someone throw up. My current status is deeply tired and burpy but puke-free. Add in an intense work… Continue reading Work week 2023-03-13
Approach curators
Couple of inputs colliding in interesting ways. How To Build A Blog Without Social Media: So here’s my 2023 experiment. Building LTD up in a sustained way without doing the thing everyone’s been doing since the 2010s – leaning on social media as the one and only growth tool. Let me point you now to… Continue reading Approach curators
Work week 2023-03-06
Maker: Work on the conclusion of HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT, hopefully for an EOQ1 completion Manager: Kick off for a week for once Marketer: Simmer some ideas about promotion later in the year, maybe read something (see “Currently listening”) After not writing new fiction for six weeks, the resistance is very real. But I put out a… Continue reading Work week 2023-03-06
A working definition of expediency
I’ve said in a few places recently that fantasy featuring royals isn’t doing it for me lately. Robin McKinley’s DEERSKIN is an exception. I’m not too far through it yet, and I will admit it took me a few chapters to really get its hooks in — a few pages before this, there’s a bit… Continue reading A working definition of expediency
97, 543
is the current word count of HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT, with all longhand work transcribed. This doesn’t count the prologue novelette, which is currently around 14,000 words, and could possibly go longer. I definitely need at least 5-10K to wrap it up, but I now have all of March to do it, which is nice. (Although I’ll… Continue reading 97, 543
Work week 2023-02-26
Maker: Write newsletter; resume HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT. Manager: Finish transcribing HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT (8p remaining). Marketer: Rough out a promo stack, probably? Today’s image is… OK, look, I’ve developed this, you know. Habit. Of — so, Chinese, right? China is not the greatest place to be LGBTQ+, and it’s been hard not to notice that all the… Continue reading Work week 2023-02-26
This blog post is about a Money Stuff knock-off, sort of.
I used to work at Bloomberg, so I of course read Matt Levine‘s “Money Stuff” newsletter, and yesterday I ran across this: The tagline is “Like if Matt Levine was a stoner,” but there is some interesting financial analysis! Like I was never going to independently arrive at the conclusion that “multi-state operators” are propped… Continue reading This blog post is about a Money Stuff knock-off, sort of.
Automating income… ?
For context: Clarkesworld Magazine, one of the best-regarded short fiction outlets for science fiction and fantasy, closed submissions Monday due to a flood of bot-generated spam. I’m not as confident about the last line as OP, but it sure seems plausible. If it’s correct, though… maybe it’s self-correcting? Email spam works because you can email… Continue reading Automating income… ?
Work week 2023-02-14
Maker: NA Manager: Continue transcribing HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT (46p left). Marketer: Complete book list for Shepherd; publicize WINDBURN WHIPLASH go-live on social media. This week’s picture is sunset over the Delaware, from the Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex parking lot. The nights are getting shorter, is the point. Currently listening: IF BOOKS COULD KILL: “The End… Continue reading Work week 2023-02-14
Work week 2023-02-07
Maker: NA Manager: Figure out why I can’t write posts on this site without getting a Critical Error; continue transcribing HEATSTROKE HEARTBEAT. Marketer: Couple blog post ideas in the tank but, honestly, may need to fuck off with this in favor of just being done with transcription already. Item #1 under “Manager” is already done,… Continue reading Work week 2023-02-07