Words 1-9-2015

There was no edge to Souktown that Esker could discern, only a slow decay; the crumbling foundations were less and less overbuilt, the lights weaker and less dense, the bright polyglot signs fading more and more into the ruined indecipherable glyphs of the ancients. With the dark came quiet, but not a calm quiet. Coiled… Continue reading Words 1-9-2015

Words 1-8-2015

“Rise for the Chorister,” said the gun. “Is that you?” said Esker. “Because that woman coming toward us—well, it’s not that I’m against standing for a lady, but I find you more persuasive at this time.” Esker felt a jerk upward on his collar and stood. The gun’s hand couldn’t quite follow him all the… Continue reading Words 1-8-2015

Words 1-7-2015

… and every black hair on Esker’s body rose like a mad snake. The man who had entered was little, by Esker’s standards, perhaps medium by most; he had thin arms and thin legs and a fat gut, all wrapped in a suit of some fine-grained white leather that moved strangely with his steps. By… Continue reading Words 1-7-2015

Categorized as words

Words 1-6-15

“The Amen-Enkh has his way, then,” said Epaphos, “as he is accustomed to do. But one day he will meet someone who is not so indulgent of his foibles.” “As long as that day is not today,” said Ozier; and he led the way down the black gravel road, toward the bridge. # It was… Continue reading Words 1-6-15

Words 1-5-15

PROLOGUE: BLOOD ON A LINED PALM There was, on paper, a passenger car on the train from Heru City to the village of Metu at the end of the line; but the bean-counters at the Ministry of Rail had calculated the cost in black silver of carrying an empty passenger car and, knowing it, had… Continue reading Words 1-5-15