I hoovered up Tom King and Greg Smallwood’s HUMAN TARGET in an afternoon. I’ve been a fan of everything King’s written since I read THE VISION last year… but I wasn’t really aware of Smallwood at all, and the art in HUMAN TARGET just floored me on every page. Stephanie Hans’ work in DIE is the only comic I can think of that might compete, on color or on the unity of color and art or the sheer density and consistency of innovation.
I could have chosen one image and you’d see how great it is, but the variety is kind of the point. I took these screenshots for this post, but I also just sometimes go back and stare at them because, well.

I feel like I’m slighting King in all this fanpersoning about the art in HUMAN TARGET; he is writing at the top of his game as well, every bit as tricky and heart-grabbing as THE VISION and MISTER MIRACLE. It’s absolutely worth picking up HUMAN TARGET for the story as well as the art.
Currently reading: THE LIBRARY AT MOUNT CHAR, Scott Hawkins.
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