Tom King and Bilquis Evely’s SUPERGIRL: WOMAN OF TOMORROW wears its TRUE GRIT conceit lightly, which serves it just as well; Supergirl was never going to be a particularly credible stand-in for Rooster Cogburn, and King doesn’t try to force it. Instead, he lets the book be about a friendship between a young woman and a younger one. Where Rooster Cogburn is gruff and closed off, Supergirl is open; where Mattie Ross comes by her respect for Cogburn grudgingly, Ruthye Knoll’s admiration for Supergirl is quick, open, and wise. This is maybe the first time I’ve felt Tom King being too Tom King by half; I’m not sure the final twist quite stands up. But it’s still a lovely book.
Physically as well as story-wise. Clayton Cowles’ colors elevate Bilquis Evely’s pencils to something literally otherworldly, over and over again. Just look at this.

CURRENTLY LISTENING: FAR FROM THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN, by Tade Thompson, read by Clifford Samuel.
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